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Ways to increase website traffic in Dubai, UAE

Ways to increase website visitors Dubai UAE

How to increase website visitors

Three ways lead to the access of visitors to your site

Posted by Ola Zain, April 27, 2015

Many people ask how to increase traffic of visitors of their sites or forums as they do not know where the visitors come from. All what they know is the word "SEO" or they hear about E-marketing but they do not know what does it mean and how search engine optimization processes help in increasing the number of visitors of website or forum. They hear about SEO processes and the ways of site publication in other forums. They do their best but do not find results or improvements in web traffic.

When someone wants to find a specific website to benefit from the information provided in its pages or for the purpose of purchasing process, he can reach this website by one of 3 ways:

  • 1
    The first way is organic search or to find the website while searching in search engines using Google, yahoo, etc….
  • 2
    The second way is by clicking on your existing ads in other sites including the free and the paid ads.
  • 3
    The third way: is referral traffic or to access the website through suggesting this website by a friend or reading articles about your site and your services.
There is no doubt that the first way is the best and the most successful way in which using search engines and work on optimizing the site to be in a high-level ranking in Google. 85% of the internet users use search engines to access sites and 15% only use the other ways to access sites, information and products online.

If you think for a while you will find that the 85% and the 15% are both using search engines. Here are two possibilities:

  • 1
    The first is that the visitors find your website ranked in the first page of search results.
  • 2
    The second is that the visitors find other websites in the advanced rankings which include an ad or article for your website then they visit your website through it in case you put backlinks therein for your site.
In both cases, the visitor reached your website via search engines directly or indirectly.

You will learn how you can show your website in top results by search keywords of your website, and how to target a category of users by targeting other search words through E-marketing. That means you choose other targeted keywords in an ad posted in blog, forum or article other than those used in your website.
SEO processes are in need of constant and continuous E-marketing processes activities.
Actually, using search engines is much better than other ways in increasing visits rate to the website. Many of entrepreneurs, webmasters and large companies prefer using search engines techniques than other ways such as mailing lists, articles, and ads in other websites and Google Adwords like pay per click.

An advice for increasing the number of visitors of your website or forum

Besides your interest to optimize your website to search engines, try to put your ads in the other well-known and high ranked websites. You must be aware that SEO without E-marketing has weak success opportunities. E-marketing processes are part of SEO processes, site optimizing and increasing its publicity and traffic.

Deyaa Hussein, Marketing Manager in Minutes Web Designers in Dubai, UAE

Ways to increase website traffic Dubai UAE

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