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Set up Google Search Console account to index website pages and improve SEO

Set up Google Search Console account to index website pages and improve SEO
Set up Google Search Console account to index website pages and improve SEO

We will set up Google Search Console account for your website to index website pages and improve SEO. Google Search Console (GSC) is a powerful tool for website owners and SEO professionals. It offers a wide range of features to help monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot a site's presence in Google Search results. We will set up Google Search Console account for your website, for $10).

We will also link your Google Search Console with your website in Google Analytics 4 GA4. This is very important to enable data to flow between Google Search Console and your property settings in Google Analytics 4. This link will help you understand more about how visitors from organic search behave on your website, and the keyword searches that brought them to your site. Here are the key features of Google Search Console:

Set up Google Search Console account to index website pages

1. Performance Report:

- Search Traffic: Shows the number of clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and average position of your site in Google Search results.

- Search Queries: Provides insights into the specific search queries that bring users to your site.

- Country and Device Data: Breaks down traffic by country, device (desktop, mobile, tablet), and search type (web, image, video).

2. Index website pages Coverage Report:

- Indexing Status: Displays which pages are indexed, which are not, and the reasons for any indexing issues.

- Crawl Errors: Identifies errors encountered by Google's crawlers, such as 404 errors, server errors, and problems with URL access.

3. Set up Google Search Console account to index website pages through URL Inspection Tool:

- Page Status: Provides detailed information on how Google sees a particular page, including indexing and serving details.

- Live URL Testing: Allows testing of how a URL currently appears to Google.

4. Set up Google Search Console account to submit Sitemaps:

- Submit Sitemaps: Enables submission of XML sitemaps to help Google discover your site's URLs.

- Sitemap Status: Reports on the status of submitted sitemaps and any errors encountered.

5. Mobile Usability Report:

- Mobile-Friendly Issues: Identifies issues affecting the mobile usability of your pages, such as small text, touch elements too close, and view port configuration problems.

6. Security Issues:

- Security Warnings: Alerts you to security issues like hacked content, malware, and phishing affecting your site.

7. Manual Actions Report:

- Penalties and Actions: Shows any manual actions taken by Google against your site for violating Webmaster Guidelines, and provides information on how to address them.

8. Set up Google Search Console to display Links Report:

- Backlinks: Lists the external sites linking to your site and the anchor text used.

- Internal Links: Displays the internal linking structure of your site.

9. Core Web Vitals Report:

- User Experience Metrics: Evaluates your site based on key performance metrics like loading, interactivity, and visual stability.

10. Enhancements Reports:

- Rich Results and Structured Data: Provides insights into how your structured data is working, and if there are any issues with rich results like breadcrumbs, product information, and FAQ schema.

11. AMP Report:

- Accelerated Mobile Pages: Reports on the status and errors of your AMP pages.

12. Coverage Enhancements and index website pages:

- Breadth of Indexing: Shows the overall indexing status of your site, including reasons for any excluded pages.

At last, these features collectively help webmasters optimize their websites for better search performance, diagnose issues, and understand the search traffic patterns more comprehensively.

Finally, Why do you need this service?

We don't accept: the following Websites Nude, Sex, Drugs, Dating, Black Magic, Astrology, Esoteric, music, Casino Games and Religion.

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Set up Google Search Console

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  • 1932 Clients bought this service

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