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The top 10 countries with the largest e-commerce markets in the world

The top 10 countries with the largest e-commerce markets in the world
The top 10 countries with the largest e-commerce markets in the world
Posted by Deyaa Hussein, June 23, 2024

Over the past few years a significant global growth has occurred in the world's e-commerce market. It has become one of the most important markets in the world. What helped this is the greatly widespread use of the Internet and the availability of smartphones. Due to increased access to the Internet, the development of smartphones and availability of mobile shopping applications, it became easier for consumers to shop online. In addition, the use of social media, different online payment methods, and favorable social and economic factors have contributed to the expansion of the e-commerce business across the world. For this reason, e-marketing companies are focusing on the top 10 countries with the largest e-commerce markets in the world.

The Covid-19 disease has also had a significant impact on accelerating the growth of e-commerce and changing consumer behavior. Accordingly, with lock down measures and social distancing restrictions, consumers have turned to online shopping as a safer alternative to obtain products. Besides, the spread of the pandemic has led to an increase in the volume of online shopping across various product categories. In other words groceries and household essentials to electronics and fashion. This increasing demand has certainly led to the growth of the e-commerce markets in the world.

The top 10 countries with the largest e-commerce markets in the world

Technological development and changes in consumer behavior lead companies to rethink the development of electronic marketing concepts. Whereas website visitors are considered the most important link in the electronic buying and selling circle. E-marketing companies have focused on how to benefit from website visitors from the top ten countries in the e-commerce market in the world. Focusing on web visitors from these countries has become a preoccupation for e-marketing companies and e-commerce websites. Here is an important list of the top 10 countries with the largest e-commerce markets in the world.

People's Republic of China

The People's Republic of China is the most populous country in the world, with more than 1.45 billion people in 2024. Its official language is Chinese. It is an East Asian country. China consists of more than 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, and four municipalities. The capital of the country is the city of Beijing. China's first connection to the Internet occurred in 1987. This was a tremendous growth of the Internet in China until it became host to the largest Internet user base in the world. The number of Internet users in China is more than 1.09 billion in 2024. The huge number of web traffic from China attracted the owners of the online stores to invest in the e-commerce market in China.

China is the top country with the largest e-commerce markets in the world

China is now the largest e-commerce market in the world, surpassing America by nearly 50%. Annual online sales in China reached $672 billion in 2021. China is also one of the fastest growing e-commerce markets. The annual growth rate is 35%. Its most famous e-commerce sites are Alibaba and Taobao. China is the top country with the largest e-commerce markets in the world.

United States of America

The United States of America or America is a federal constitutional republic that includes 50 states. Its official language is English. It is located on the North American continent between the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. It is bordered to the north by Canada and to the south by Mexico. The area of the United States of America is 9.83 million km². It occupies third place in the world in terms of area and also in terms of population. Its population will reach 341 million people in 2024. The races and cultures are diverse in America due to the large immigration there. America's economy is the largest economy in the entire world.

America has the second the largest e-commerce markets in the world

The Internet originated in the United States during the 1960s. The Internet in the United States is considered the basis of the Internet throughout the world. The number of Internet users in America reached 97.5% in 2015. In addition, America is the most superior country in investing in technology and artificial intelligence, as major technology companies have emerged there. In addition, the largest electronic stores in the world were established. Among the most famous American e-commerce sites are Amazon and eBay.

The United States of America comes in second place after China, with annual online sales amounting to $340 billion in 2021. In conclusion, electronic marketing is an effective method for organizations looking to promote their goods and services via the Internet. By taking advantage of website marketing technology, these companies were able to reach a wider audience. Selling within America was not limited to website visitors from USA only, but these companies were able to invade global markets in all countries.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, known as the United Kingdom or Britain, is a sovereign country located off the northwestern coast of the continent of Europe. Its official language is English. The British Empire emerged with the emergence of properties and trading stations established by the Kingdom of England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. At its peak, it was considered the largest empire in world history to date. For more than a century, it was the world's leading power.

The United Kingdom is now one of the largest developed countries. Its economy is sixth in the world in terms of gross domestic product and sixth in terms of purchasing power parity. It was also the first country in the world to transform the industrial field and was considered the largest superpower in the world during the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. The population of the United Kingdom will be 67.9 million people in 2024.

The UK is one of the largest e-commerce markets in the world

The United Kingdom has been connected to the Internet throughout its founding and development. The UK's telecommunications infrastructure provides Internet access to businesses and home users in various ways. It includes connecting over the Internet via cables (wires), digital subscriber line (DSL), wireless networks and mobile devices. Online shoppers and website traffic from the UK spend more per household than consumers in any other country. The Internet bandwidth available per Internet user was the seventh highest in the world in 2016, and average and peak Internet connection speeds ranked in the top quartile in 2017.

Despite its small size, the United Kingdom is an important market for e-commerce, as it comes in third place with annual online sales worth $99 billion. E-commerce represents 14.5% of total retail sales, and Amazon UK and Argos are the Play.com is the largest e-commerce site in the United Kingdom.


Japan consists of 47 prefectures and has an area of 378,000 square kilometers. Its official language is Japanese. In 1947, Japan's system of government became a constitutional monarchy with an emperor and an elected parliament. It has a population of 128 million people. Economically, Japan is one of the most advanced countries in the world, and it is the second largest country that has obtained patents after the United States. Japanese brands such as Toyota, Sony, Fuji film and Panasonic are world-renowned. Industry is the dominant sector of the economy in Japan.

Japan and the world's largest e-commerce markets in the world

The number of Internet users in Japan is 116.4 million. This number represents 91% of the population. It came in fourth place, with annual online sales worth $79 billion, and e-commerce represents 5.4% of total retail sales. The “Rakuten” website is the most famous e-commerce platform in Japan, and the company has acquired many websites around the world. Aside from that, the shopping habits of web visitors from Japan are evolving rapidly with room for successful drop shipping companies. The best-selling products online in Japan are: Food, Personal Care, Fashion, Appliances, Toys, Hobbies, DIY, Electronics, Media, Furniture and Appliances. In the end, it is worth investing in an e-commerce business in one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world.


It is a democratic federal republic located in central-western Europe. Its official language is German. It consists of 16 states covering an area of 357 square kilometers. It is characterized by its moderate seasonal climate. Germany is the most populous European country with more than 83 million people, according to 2024 statistics. Germany is also one of the most powerful and influential countries in the European Union. Of the 500 largest global companies (based on 2019 earnings, as listed in the Fortune Global 500), 29 are headquartered in Germany. Germany's economy is the strongest in Europe. There are 30 German companies listed in the DAX Index, the German stock market index that is managed by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Well-known global brands include Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Saab AG, Volkswagen, Audi, Siemens, Allianz, Adidas, Porsche, and DHL.

The number of Internet users in Germany is 78 million. This number is more than 95% of the population. Germany is the second largest e-commerce market in Europe after the United Kingdom, with annual online sales worth $73 billion. E-commerce represents 8.4% of total retail sales, and among the largest e-commerce sites there are “Amazon,” “eBay,” and also “Auto.” " German. Web traffic from Germany have great purchasing power. This encourages investment in e-commerce in Germany.


France is a constitutional republic with a centralized, parliamentary system with a presidential tendency. Its official language is French. It has a population of about 66 million people and is located in Western Europe. It is one of the important regions in Europe. Since the Middle Ages, France reached the height of its power during the 19th and early 20th centuries, as it possessed the second largest colonial empire in the 1950s after the Great British Empire. France is one of the major economic countries in Europe in particular and around the world. The web traffic from France enjoy a high standard of living, as the country performs well in the world rankings.

France is one the of the largest e-commerce markets in the world

The number of Internet users in France is 58 million. This number is more than 90% of the population. France occupies sixth place on the list, with annual online sales worth $43 billion, and e-commerce represents 5.1% of total retail sales. Among the most famous e-commerce sites there are “Odigeo” and “CDcount,” and “Amazon” also has a presence. Prominent in France. There are many international companies and websites flocking to e-marketing to gain a share of the e-commerce market in France.

South Korea

South Korea is a sovereign country located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. It is bordered by Japan to the east, China to the west, North Korea to the north, and the Korea Strait to the south. The total area of South Korea is 99,392 square kilometers, and most of its area is mountainous. The official currency in South Korea is the South Korean won. Its official language is Korean. Its population is about 51 million people. The number of Internet users in South Korea is 49.5 million. This number is more than 97% of the population. The e-marketing companies and the e-commerce websites target web visitors from South Korea to get sales.

Communication services in South Korea improved in the 1980s with the help of foreign partners and the development of the electronics industry. The number of phones in use rose to 9.2 million in 1987. The average Internet connection speed in South Korea is among the highest in the world. It ranked first in a classification compiled by Akamai for the fastest countries with Internet connections in the first quarter of 2013. The average speed reached 14.2 megabytes, and Japan came in second place with a speed of 11.7 megabytes. In the third quarter of 2013, the average speed in South Korea was 22.1 Mbps, and in Japan it was 13.3 Mbps. In 2015, Korea ranked first in the International Telecommunication Union's ICT Development Index, narrowly ahead of Denmark and Iceland.

E-commerce is an important part of the Korean economy

The Korean government, with the participation of companies in the private sector, is working to establish an integrated network. It provides fifth generation services with speeds a thousand times faster compared to the fourth generation. South Korea plays a large and very important role in decision-making and development in the East Asian region. The value of annual online sales in South Korea amounts to $37 billion, ranking it seventh. E-commerce represents 9.8% of total retail sales, and among the largest e-commerce sites in the country are “G Market” and “Coupang.” Another of the most famous leading platforms in this field is Lotte Shopping, one of the leading conglomerates in South Korea in the store-based retail channel Lotte ON. This platform unifies the online storefronts of the Lotte retail brands. E-commerce is an important part of the Korean economy and is constantly on the rise.


Canada is a country in North America consisting of 10 provinces and three territories. Moreover, it is the second country in the world in terms of total area. Canada's shared borders with the United States to the south and northwest are the longest in the world, and it is the fourth largest producer of crude oil in the world, producing 5,694,000 barrels per day.

The official language in Canada is English. Its population is about 39 million people, and the number of Internet users in Canada is 34 million. This number is more than 93% of the population. The state provides high-speed Internet, as the state considers Internet service to be one of the basics of citizens’ rights and that it has an effective role in the future of the economy, the well-being of society, and the future of citizens.

Canada is one of the richest and most prosperous countries in the world

Canada is one of the richest countries in the world, with a high per capita income. Its economy is considered a mixed economy and is ranked above the United States and most Western European countries. The largest foreign importers of Canadian goods are the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Amazon dominates the e-commerce market in Canada. While it is followed by "Costco", the value of annual online sales in the country is $30 billion. E-commerce represents 5.7% of total retail sales, and Canada comes in eighth place on the list. The web traffic from Canada is effective and powerful audience.


Russia is the largest country in the world by area. It covers ⅛ of the world's inhabited land area. Its area is 17,098,242 square kilometers. Russia extends across northern Asia and 40% of Europe. It possesses the world's largest reserves of mineral and energy resources and has the world's largest reserves of forests and lakes. Russia owns nearly a quarter of the world's fresh water. Russia is making huge profits as a result of high oil and natural gas prices. In general, on the other hand, most of Russia's exports are raw materials and energy exports. Russia has natural resources of iron, nickel, diamonds, phosphate, silver, lead and gold. On the other hand, Russia possesses prominent manufacturing capabilities in the fields of space and nuclear engineering. Accordingly, Russia has become one of the ten largest economies in the world in terms of GDP. And sixth in terms of purchasing power.

The official language in Russia is Russian. Its population is about 144 million people. In May 2008, Internet access was available to about 32.7 million users in Russia (about 30% of the population). In December 2015, Internet access was available to most of the country, 92.8 million Russians (70% of the population). Today, the number of Internet users in Russia is 118 million. This number is more than 82% of the population. The web visitors from Russia invaded the world's e-commerce websites.

Russia has the largest number of Internet users in Europe. But its e-commerce represents only 2% of total retail sales. The country comes in ninth place on the list. Annual online sales amount to $20 billion. "Yulmart", "Citilink" and "Ozone" are the largest online retailers in Russia.


It is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. Its area is 8.5 million square kilometers. Brazilian official language is Portuguese. Its population is about 217 million people. The number of Internet users in France is 160 million. This number is more than 75% of the population. The Internet has become very popular in Brazil, with steadily increasing numbers of users as well as increased availability. Brazil ranks sixth in number of users worldwide. Many technologies are used to provide broadband Internet to consumers. With DSL and cable being the most common 3G technologies. 4G technologies were introduced in April 2013 and are currently available in more than 90% of the country. The web traffic from Brazil is as important as the previous countries.

At last, the tenth place went to Brazil, with annual online sales worth $19 billion, and e-commerce represents 2.8% of total retail sales. A rapid growth in Brazil occurred in the field of e-commerce, with a growth rate of about 22%, and it is one of the most prominent companies. E-commerce has Mercado Libre and B2W.

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